Bulk Email System

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Reach out through wisely planned email shootouts through RSI Email Marketing System

Email Marketing System

RSI Concepts provide a robust, user-friendly and highly efficient custom based Email Marketing Dubai Solution. It is a software that is used to send bulk emails for multiple purposes such as informing the clients about the recent launched products and services , sending them promotions sending seasonal greetings and more..

Why Email Marketing?

Following are the major reasons why organizations opt for Email Marketing:

  • Directing marketing to customers and prospects
  • Very cheap compared to direct mail or printed newsletter
  • The delivery time is very short ( i.e. seconds or minutes)
  • Reach a large amount of audience at once within no time
  • Makes your communication look more professional

RSI EMS is a web-based application with the following modules:

  • User Authentication and Authorization System
  • Creation and Management of Contacts Categories
  • Creation and Management of Contacts
  • Import and Export Mechanism for Contacts to Excel
  • Creation and Management of Newsletter Categories
  • Creation and Management of Newsletters
  • Creation and Management of Campaigns
  • Scheduling Campaigns
  • Extensive Reporting Mechanism
  • How many Campaigns have been executed
  • How many Campaigns have been scheduled for a given period of time
  • How many emails have been sent
  • How many emails have bounced back
  • How many emails have been opened
  • How many times the hyperlink in the email content has been clicked.

Common Features of RSI EMS

The following are the most common features that makes EMS a powerful marketing tool:

  • Ability to create and send personalized email using data from a customer data
  • Ability to import customer lists
  • Ability to authenticate to SMTP and POP servers or send directly with an internal server
  • HTML and plain text editor for creating messages
  • Reporting features such as bounce-back reports
  • Tracking abilities such as tracking who has opened the email
  • User Friendly Dashboard/UI designed by our Web Design Dubai section