Mobile App Development Company Dubai

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RSI Concepts in-house mobile app development team can create mobile apps for SMEs to Large Enterprises within quick possible time and minimum cost. Choose Mobile App Interface

Convert Your Website into Mobile App. Quick and Affordable!

With 10+ years of experience in GCC and specifically in Dubai, UAE – RSI Concepts is among the pioneers of the Mobile App Development. We have provided our clients with the very user-friendly and easy to manage mobile applications throughout the past decade. Our user interface and graphic designing team is very well trained and experienced in the field. The programming and development team has successfully delivered some of the most sophisticated and complex functionalities with a very simple and easy-to-use user interface and above all we provide completely customized solutions. As we know the demand and requirements of each clients’ vary by case to case, this distinguishes us from our competitors and provide our client an edge with the best ROI rates for their mobile app development projects.

Mobile App Development

Having a Mobile App is now a necessity!

Considering the fact that a large population in UAE prefers to use mobile phones for most of the online activities and with every day passing the mobile devices are becoming more powerful and advance, the need to have mobile application is increasing. Most of the tasks that we were doing on the desktops or the laptops in the past are now can be done easily with a few swap and taps on the mobile screen. Having larger screens and powerful computing, the mobile phones and tablets are providing alternates or in fact completely replacing the needs of a computer in various sectors.

How mobile applications are impacting the conventional business cycle?

The eCommerce alone had a huge impact from this trend in Dubai, UAE, more and more people are doing research and purchases from their mobiles phones. People love to spend more time on the mobile while lying on the sofa or traveling or outing rather than sitting on a chair in front of a computer. People want to perform more tasks on the smart phones because of the comfort and ease of the mobility. This creates a demand of providing more and more information on the mobile screens. Which is why all sort of businesses are switching to the mobile applications for their audience and it is definitely impacting their business goals. These days in Dubai, UAE, having a mobile applications is not just a trend, but is a proof of your authority in the market.

Mobile applications are becoming more complex and sophisticated than ever before!

An exponential advancements and growth in the smartphone technologies makes the mobile application development more complex than ever before. The tech-giants are introducing new tools and technologies every year to make the mobile applications more user-friendly and useful. Which is why having a professional and skilled mobile development agency in hand is very critical. At RSI Concepts, we have a highly skilled user-interface and graphics designer’s team who are specialized and experienced in delivering high-end and complex mobile application functionalities in a very simple and easy-to-use representation for the users. Our solutions are completely customizable to address the unique requirements of our customers.

Mobile Application User Interface and Visual Representation

The user interface and visual representation of the information in a mobile application development is very critical, if your audience can not find the required information in a few steps or taps, they will simple quit searching and move on. So in order to keep your audience engaged in the mobile application all of the required information should be provided in a very easy-to-navigate manners. This also helps our client in targeting specific products and services by placing them in most prominent and easy-to-navigate places.

What type of Mobile Application do you need?

Before proceeding to the mobile application development, you must know what type of the mobile application do you need? And what are the industry trends in Dubai, UAE. At RSI Concepts we not only develop mobile applications for our clients, but we educate them to let them understand their requirements and needs in a better and effective way. Our business analysts do intensive analysis of the market and the competition to provide our customers with the over-the-top solution which definitely helps them achieving their business goals.

Types Of Mobile Applications

Types of the mobile applications

There are three major types of the mobile applications depending upon the platform compatibility and the technology. There are three popular platforms for the mobile applications as more than 90% of the mobile devices are running on these two platforms or operating systems.

Apple or iOS Mobile Applications

Mobile Applications that can be run on the Apple operating system are commonly referred as iOS Mobile Applications. As the Apple is using slightly different hardware, especially the retina display, so the mobile applications’ graphics and visual representation should be compatible with the retina display screens and to let the users utilize the most sensors on the device. This also made the iOS application more adoptive and reduce the per action steps.

Android Mobile Applications

Mobile application that can be run on the Android operating system are knows as Android Mobile Applications. Majorly Samsung, LG, Motorola, Huawei, Oppo and a lot many other popular brands are running on the Android operating systems. Which also makes it the most used smart phone operating system in the world. This platform has its own requirements and needs, with having a lot many different screen sizes and orientations, the mobile application developers will have to take extra care of all the compatible devices.

Windows Apps

Mobile Applications that can run on Windows mobile devices are known as Windows App. Here the important thing to understand is that there are two types of Windows Mobile Devices (mainly tablets), one that can run only the mobile applications and second that can run the mobile applications along with the full-fledged windows applications. These are usually high-end and slightly expensive devices hence the market share is low. Which is why having a windows application for mobile devices is also important.

What type of the mobile app Development Technology do you need?

There are two major mobile application development technologies:

Native Mobile Application Development

Native Mobile Application Development

Native Mobile Application Development This technology is slightly older than the hybrid mobile application development technology which is considered to be the industry standard now, but still a lot many businesses are seeking the native mobile application development due to more stability and reliability for specific operations they need. The native applications are built in native platforms. This approach slightly increase the development time and also the cost of the mobile application as well as time-consuming maintenance of the application.

Hybrid Mobile Application Development

Hybrid mobile application development is a latest trend in the market. The hybrid app development process is robust and can have a lot many additional functionalities which are not possible in the native mobile application development techniques such as OTG upgrades and updates. Above all, it is an open source platform and have more flexibility in terms of customizations. As the hybrid application development process is comparatively fast and agile so the cost is lower than the native mobile application development.

Maintenance and Upgrade of the Mobile Applications by RSI Concepts

We at RSI Concepts, not only develop mobile apps but also maintain, update and upgrade our client’s existing smartphone applications with Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMC) or Service Level Agreements (SLA). Our in-house dedicated team is always available to help and support our customers with their regular and time-critical needs.